// Template Cache
// --------------
// Manage templates stored in `<script>` blocks,
// caching them for faster access.
this.templateId = templateId;
// TemplateCache object-level methods. Manage the template
// caches from these method calls instead of creating
// your own TemplateCache instances
_.extend(Marionette.TemplateCache, {
templateCaches: {},
// Get the specified template by id. Either
// retrieves the cached version, or loads it
// from the DOM.
var cachedTemplate = this.templateCaches[templateId];
if (!cachedTemplate){
cachedTemplate = new Marionette.TemplateCache(templateId);
this.templateCaches[templateId] = cachedTemplate;
return cachedTemplate.load();
// Clear templates from the cache. If no arguments
// are specified, clears all templates:
// `clear()`
// If arguments are specified, clears each of the
// specified templates from the cache:
// `clear("#t1", "#t2", "...")`
var i;
var args = slice(arguments);
var length = args.length;
if (length > 0){
for(i=0; i<length; i++){
delete this.templateCaches[args[i]];
} else {
this.templateCaches = {};
// TemplateCache instance methods, allowing each
// template cache object to manage it's own state
// and know whether or not it has been loaded
_.extend(Marionette.TemplateCache.prototype, {
// Internal method to load the template
// Guard clause to prevent loading this template more than once
if (this.compiledTemplate){
return this.compiledTemplate;
// Load the template and compile it
var template = this.loadTemplate(this.templateId);
this.compiledTemplate = this.compileTemplate(template);
return this.compiledTemplate;
// Load a template from the DOM, by default. Override
// this method to provide your own template retrieval
// For asynchronous loading with AMD/RequireJS, consider
// using a template-loader plugin as described here:
// https://github.com/marionettejs/backbone.marionette/wiki/Using-marionette-with-requirejs
var template = Marionette.$(templateId).html();
if (!template || template.length === 0){
throwError("Could not find template: '" + templateId + "'", "NoTemplateError");
return template;
// Pre-compile the template before caching it. Override
// this method if you do not need to pre-compile a template
// (JST / RequireJS for example) or if you want to change
// the template engine used (Handebars, etc).
return _.template(rawTemplate);